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Support for The Jackson Wright Youth Fund

Posted on: June 24th, 2024.

J.T. Clark Family Foundation’s ‘$10,000 challenge gift’ created the momentum necessary to help The Jackson Wright Youth Fund – FHS Bleachers Fundraiser surpass their $60,000 goal this year.

As featured on the Fredericton Community Foundation website:

“We are excited to share that our goal to raise $60,000 has been achieved, thanks to the generosity of so many caring people and community-minded businesses. In fact, together we have surpassed $60,000 in the past week, thanks in part to the J.T. Clark Family Foundation’s ‘$10,000 challenge gift’ that created the momentum necessary to reach our goal. Funds raised beyond the goal will be used to help upgrade the FHS main gym score table, which, like the bleachers, is in need of replacement.

To everyone who contributed: THANK YOU! We are grateful for your love, support, and continued commitment to community sport. Thank you all for helping to build upon Jackson’s legacy. It’s amazing what can be acheived when we all work together towards a shared goal.”

Read More

The Jackson Wright Youth Fund

The event was also featured on CTV News:
‘Jackson’s legacy is everything to us’: Fredericton father approaches difficult day with tribute, fundraiser for late son

“Wright says a “$10,000 challenge gift’ from the J.T. Clark Family Foundation, which will be contributed if $50,000 is raised by the fund, has added momentum toward meeting the ultimate $60,000 goal.”

New Accessible Pickleball Courts For the City of Fredericton

Posted on: August 14th, 2023.

J.T. Clark Family Foundation provided a donation of $50,000

The City of Fredericton’s Pickleball Club will benefit from new construction to support inclusion and a deeper sense of community

News Release
August 1, 2023 · Fredericton, New Brunswick · Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)

Canadian communities flourish when they have safe, welcoming public spaces where people can come together to connect, engage and participate in recreational programs and activities. Having access to vibrant, interactive spaces breathes new life into our communities, stimulates local economies, creates jobs, and improves the quality of life for Canadians.

Today, Jenica Atwin, Member of Parliament for Fredericton, announced an investment of $127,930 through the Canada Community Revitalization Fund (CCRF) for the Fredericton Pickleball Club. The announcement was made on behalf of the Honourable Gudie Hutchings, Minister of Rural Economic Development and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA).

This investment will support the construction of six new accessible pickleball courts that will benefit a growing membership and attract a larger, diverse group of participants to the sport – contributing to a vibrant sense of community and greater social inclusion.

The Honourable Jill Green, Social Development Minister and Minister responsible for the New Brunswick Housing Corporation, announced support of $104,122 from the Province of New Brunswick through the Regional Development Corporation (RDC); and Her Worship, Kate Rogers, Mayor for the City of Fredericton, announced a donation of land for the courts located at the Willie O’Ree Sports Complex.


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Accessible Pickleball Fredericton

Read the Full article: Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency


Support for Fredericton’s New Performing Arts Centre

Posted on: May 16th, 2023.

The J.T. Clark Family Foundation provides supports a new Performing Arts Centre in Fredericton.

“My family and I decided to support this initative early on in a significant way because projects like this will determine the future of our community for generations to come. Our responsibility today is to ensure future success – and the Performing Arts Centre is a once-in-a-lifetime investment where we can create a lasting legacy.”

— John T. Clark, Chair of the J.T. Clark Family Foundation Inc.

Encore! Performing Arts Centre - Fredericton

Breaking Ground on The J.T. Clark Family Foundation Ambulatory Clinic

Posted on: March 24th, 2023.

The J.T. Clark Family Foundation Ambulatory Clinic

“Dear colleagues, join us in celebrating the ground-breaking of Clinic 1

We are so excited to share the news…the renovation of Clinic 1 is about to begin! It’s been a bit of a process getting here – but after two years of delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are ready to get to work!

What does this mean? Work has begun on transforming Clinic 1, the Regional’s busiest clinic. The expansion will include the Mohs Micrographic surgery clinic, IV-day clinic, casting clinic, four procedure rooms, and eighteen exam rooms.”

“We anticipate this work to be completed and open to serving patients by the spring/summer of 2024, at which point it will be named The J.T. Clark Family Foundation Ambulatory Clinic in recognition of their $1 million gift. We will certainly keep in touch, sharing updates along the way!”

“You can read more about the expansion and enhancement of Clinic 1 in our campaign report by clicking here.

John T. Clark - The J.T. Clark Family Foundation Ambulatory Clinic

Originally published by SJRH Foundation:

SJRH Foundation

Terry Fox Foundation: George Street Middle School

Posted on: April 25th, 2022.

“Thank-you for taking the time to meet and visit with our students. It is so amazing that you and your family encourage students to get involved, learn about and support such a fantastic organization like Terry Fox.”

–Jennifer Jones, Teacher, George Street Middle School, Fredericton, NB


George Street Middle School - Terry Fox


Musquash Estuary Nature Reserve

Posted on: March 22nd, 2022.

The J.T. Clark Family Foundation is one of the donors helping protect the land and lighthouse on the Musquash Estuary Nature Reserve, making this area more accessible to the community. The following sign will be installed near the Musquash Head Lighthouse this spring.

Musquash Estuary Nature Reserve

Founders Feature – World’s Oldest Basketball Court

Posted on: February 10th, 2022.

J.T. Clark Family Foundation was a donor and supporter of the restoration of the World’s oldest basketball court, discovered in St. Stephen, NB!


JT Clark Founders Feature




Charlotte County Archives Raises Funds for Important Ongoing Initiatives

Posted on: February 9th, 2022.

Charlotte County Archives Logo

News Release

January 25, 2022

For Immediate Release

Charlotte County Archives raises funds for important ongoing initiatives

St. Andrews, NB —The board members of the Charlotte County Archives (CCA), located in St. Andrews, set themselves an ambitious goal of raising $25,000 for their 2021 Annual Campaign for ongoing expenses at the Archives. With the help of the community, board members, and a welcome challenge from the J. T. Clark Family Foundation, they exceeded their goals. This has set the CCA on a sustainable footing for the upcoming year and they are grateful to everyone who helped them get there.

In response to the Archives’ Fall newsletter sent to all Archives members, John Clark contacted Board Chair, Franklin Cardy, and offered a matching grant challenge. Says Franklin, “Mr. Clark told us that if we were able to raise $10,000 in new money for our Endowment Fund, which is held at the Fundy Community Foundation, before the end of the year, the J. T. Clark Family Foundation would match that amount. We got that message out to the community and managed to raise just over $10,000 for the Endowment Fund, in addition to what we had already raised to that point. The community and board members were very generous in helping us raise those extra funds. This in turn was met with the matching grant of $10,000 from the Clark Foundation. The generosity and effectiveness of John Clark’s challenge cannot be over-emphasized. We are so very grateful to him and to the community.” Adds board member Donne Smith, the lead on the CCA fundraising committee, “Our fundraising success shows the strength of commitment that our community is showing to the Charlotte County Archives. That strong commitment helps to sustain the important work that we do, preserving the documentary heritage of the County for generations to come.”

By strengthening the Endowment Fund at the Charlotte County Archives, the J. T. Clark Foundation has helped the Archives create a way for donors to leave a legacy gift to the Archives. Gifts such as these, along with continued operational fundraising, will help to ensure the long-term financial sustainability of the CCA. With only limited grant money available from all levels of government, the Charlotte County Archives continues to need and appreciate community support.

For more information, please contact Franklin Cardy,


“Ride Don’t Hide” Partnership With CMHA of NB

Posted on: November 23rd, 2021.

Ride Don't Hide - CMHA of NB


The J T Clark Family Foundation partnered with the Canadian Mental Health Association of New Brunswick (CMHA of NB) launching a new fundraising event in June 2021 “Ride Don’t Hide”.

Lori Wheeler, CMHA of NB’s Director of Communications, states “New Brunswickers are struggling with their mental health more than ever. Demand for mental health programs and services are at an all time high. We are staring down an echo pandemic of poor mental health”.

“But at the same time, mental health has never been as widely and as openly discussed. Where stigma used to keep people struggling in silence, we now see a growing openness and awareness around the importance of mental health. We know that one in five New Brunswickers will struggle with a mental health issue in any given year. But all five in five New Brunswickers – every single one of us – has mental health. And now, more than ever, its clear to all that we must protect, promote, and celebrate our mental health.”

The J T Clark Family Foundation issued a $30,000 matching challenge for the “Ride Don’t Hide” event in memory of friend and family member Tim Richardson.

During the month of June, New Brunswickers from all regions of the province participated in activities and raised $31,288.25 which exceeded the $30,000 goal set by CMHA of NB.

Hospital Foundation Hits $12-Million Fundraising Goal For Saint John Clinic Expansion

Posted on: April 2nd, 2021.

From Huddle:

“The Saint John Regional Hospital Foundation has reached its $12-million goal for the Clinic 1 expansion capital campaign.

Officials with the foundation announced a $1-million lead gift from the J.T. Clark Family Foundation on Tuesday.

“We’re feeling very excited and quite humbled, to be frank,” Jeff McAloon, president and CEO of the hospital foundation, said in a phone interview.
John Clark, the founder of the J.T. Clark Family Foundation, reached out to McAloon in early January after receiving care at the ambulatory clinic.”

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